Language Courses
on the South Coast of England

Course duration: 6 weeks
Lesson days: Mondays
Lesson time: 18:30 - 20:30
Maximum class size: 12
Course fee: £143
German for Beginners at John Pounds Centre
Starting on Monday 28th April 2025
Whether you are interested in learning German for travelling, working abroad or simply give your brain a boost, we will teach you the basic structures and vocabulary of the target language in order to understand simple daily situations.
Our Courses
Learning another language means to explore other cultures and to know a different style of communication.
We make learning an exciting and engaging experience with effective ways to develop your language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The lessons are focused on communication and cultural aspects.
All our courses take place in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere.
Course Overview
This course is an introduction to the German language and it is perfectly suited to those looking to get a grasp of the basic rules of the language.
It consists of one evening class a week of 2 hours (with a break of 10 minutes), for a total of 6 weeks which is ideal for those with various commitments or working full-time. No lessons during Half Term.
Course Content
You will learn the alphabet and sounds, numbers, how to introduce yourself, countries and nationalities, professions and places of work, family members and ordering drink and food alongside basic structure of the target language.
Classroom activities will include:
Pair and group work
Work on pronunciation and intonation
Listening to audio clips
Grammar in context.
Course Materials
We provide handouts to work on during the course. We also work with a coursebook that we lend to each student for the duration of the course. A deposit towards the book will be required and it will be returned at the end of the course.
You will need to bring a notepad and pen.
A small German-English/English-German dictionary would be very useful.
Tutor Information
All our language courses are taught by qualified native or bilingual speakers with broad teaching experience and a passion to teach their language and culture.
Pre-requisite Knowledge
Our courses are taught at progressive levels.
If you have no prior knowledge you must start at Beginner 1. If you wish to join Beginner 2 course, you must have completed Beginner 1 or be familiar with the content taught in Beginner 1. If you wish to enrol on Beginner 3 course, you must have completed both Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 or be familiar with the content taught in these two modules.
No qualification is issued at the end of the course, but if required, you will be awarded a certificate of attendance on completion of the course. You must attend at least 70 per cent of the course to be eligible for the certificate.
Please read our Terms & Conditions.
The completion of the Enrolment Form without the payment does not guarantee a place in the chosen course.